All too frequently, when I speak to friends and family back home, they are in total surprise when I say that I went to this store or had this thing delivered. Many are surprised to find out we have top-notch malls and the same services or better than in the United States. There is an assumption that everything in the USA is better than poor 3rd world Mexico. This could not be farther from the truth.
Mexico is full of 1st class services, stores, and wonderful people. Many folks who have only been to the resort towns in Mexico don't really understand that the vacation experience is very different from living in the Americas' second safest town. Merida is safer than all the US cities. Therefore in today's video, I try to give you a sense of what is available in this expat lifestyle that I consider a Lifestyle Level-up from my home in Atlanta. This is truly just one glimpse, but I hope it provides a window into what is available. Please take a look at the video and let me know what you think.
If this video provides any value, please consider becoming a MexConnect supporting member or buying me a taco. If you haven't subscribed to the YouTube channel please do that as well. It's free!
Thank You and until next time,
MexitPlans Monte "I'm out"